SDK debugging

Last update: 2022-11-11
  • Created for:
  • User

You can enable and disable logging. The Media SDK provides an extensive tracing/logging mechanism throughout the media-tracking stack. You can enable or disable logging by setting the debugLogging flag on the Config object.

Sample code for debug logging


// Media Heartbeat initialization
MediaHeartbeatConfig config = new MediaHeartbeatConfig();
config.debugLogging = true;

// Use this space for setting other config values
MediaHeartbeat _heartbeat = new MediaHeartbeat(this, config);


// Media Heartbeat Initialization
ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig *config = [[ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig alloc] init];
config.debugLogging = YES;

// Use this space for setting other config values
ADBMediaHeartbeat *_mediaHeartbeat =
[[ADBMediaHeartbeat alloc] initWithDelegate:self config:config];


// Media Heartbeat initialization
var mediaConfig = new MediaHeartbeatConfig();
mediaConfig.debugLogging = true;
this._mediaHeartbeat = new MediaHeartbeat(mediaDelegate, mediaConfig, appMeasurement);

OTT (Chromecast, Roku)

The ADBMobile library provides debug logging through the setDebugLogging method. Debug logging should be set to false for all the production apps.





Log Messages

Log messages follow this format:

Format: [<timestamp>] [<level>] [<tag>] [<message>]
Example: [16:10:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).245] [DEBUG] [plugin::player] Resolving qos.startupTime: 0
  • timestamp: This is the current CPU time (time-zoned for GMT)
  • level: There are 4 message levels defined:
    • INFO - Usually the input data from the application (validate player name, video ID, etc.)
    • DEBUG - Debug logs, used by the developers to debug more complex issues
    • WARN - Indicates potential integration/configuration errors or Heartbeats SDK bugs
    • ERROR - Indicates important integration errors or Heartbeats SDK bugs
  • tag: The name of the sub-component that issued the log message (usually the class name)
  • message: The actual trace message

You can use the logs output by the Media SDK library to verify the implementation. A good strategy is to search through the logs for the string #track. This will highlight all the track*() calls made by your application.

For instance, this is what the logs filtered for #track could look like:

[16:10:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).222] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackVideoLoad()
[16:10:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).230] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackSessionStart()
[16:10:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).250] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackPlay()
[16:10:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).759] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackChapterStart()
[16:10:44 GMT­0700 (PDT).769] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackAdStart()
[16:10:59 GMT­0700 (PDT).752] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackAdComplete()
[16:10:59 GMT­0700 (PDT).770] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackChapterStart()
[16:11:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).734] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackPause()
[16:11:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).764] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackComplete()
[16:11:29 GMT­0700 (PDT).766] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackVideoUnload()

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