You can enable and disable logging. The Media SDK provides an extensive tracing/logging mechanism throughout the media-tracking stack. You can enable or disable logging by setting the debugLogging
flag on the Config object.
// Media Heartbeat initialization
MediaHeartbeatConfig config = new MediaHeartbeatConfig();
config.debugLogging = true;
// Use this space for setting other config values
MediaHeartbeat _heartbeat = new MediaHeartbeat(this, config);
// Media Heartbeat Initialization
ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig *config = [[ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig alloc] init];
config.debugLogging = YES;
// Use this space for setting other config values
ADBMediaHeartbeat *_mediaHeartbeat =
[[ADBMediaHeartbeat alloc] initWithDelegate:self config:config];
// Media Heartbeat initialization
var mediaConfig = new MediaHeartbeatConfig();
mediaConfig.debugLogging = true;
this._mediaHeartbeat = new MediaHeartbeat(mediaDelegate, mediaConfig, appMeasurement);
The ADBMobile library provides debug logging through the setDebugLogging
method. Debug logging should be set to false
for all the production apps.
Log messages follow this format:
Format: [<timestamp>] [<level>] [<tag>] [<message>]
Example: [16:10:29 GMT0700 (PDT).245] [DEBUG] [plugin::player] Resolving qos.startupTime: 0
You can use the logs output by the Media SDK library to verify the implementation. A good strategy is to search through the logs for the string #track
. This will highlight all the track*()
calls made by your application.
For instance, this is what the logs filtered for #track
could look like:
[16:10:29 GMT0700 (PDT).222] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackVideoLoad()
[16:10:29 GMT0700 (PDT).230] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackSessionStart()
[16:10:29 GMT0700 (PDT).250] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackPlay()
[16:10:29 GMT0700 (PDT).759] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackChapterStart()
[16:10:44 GMT0700 (PDT).769] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackAdStart()
[16:10:59 GMT0700 (PDT).752] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackAdComplete()
[16:10:59 GMT0700 (PDT).770] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackChapterStart()
[16:11:29 GMT0700 (PDT).734] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackPause()
[16:11:29 GMT0700 (PDT).764] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackComplete()
[16:11:29 GMT0700 (PDT).766] [INFO] [plugin::player] #trackVideoUnload()