List of Media Analytics parameters that Adobe collects and processes on the Media Analytics (heartbeats) server:
Name | Data Source | Description |
s:event:type |
Media SDK | (Required) The type of the event being tracked. Event types:
l:event:prev_ts |
Media SDK | (Required) The timestamp of the last event of the same type in this session. The value is -1. |
l:event:ts |
Media SDK | (Required) The timestamp of the event. |
l:event:duration |
Media SDK | (Required) This value is set internally (in milliseconds) by the Media SDK, not by the player. It is used to compute the time spent metrics on the backend. E.g.: is computed as a sum of the duration for all of the Play (type=play) heartbeats that are generated. Note: This parameter is set to 0 for certain events because they are “state change events” (e.g., type=complete, type=chapter_complete, or type=bitrate_change.) |
l:event:playhead |
VideoInfo | (Required) The playhead was inside the currently active asset (main or ad), when the event was recorded. |
s:event:sid |
Media SDK | (Required) The session ID (a randomly generated string). All events in a certain session (video + ads) should be the same. |
l:asset:duration / l:asset:length (Renamed from length duration) |
VideoInfo | (Required) The video asset length of the main asset. |
s:asset:publisher |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Required) The publisher of the asset. |
s:asset:video_id |
VideoInfo | (Required) An ID uniquely identifying the video in the publisher’s catalog. |
s:asset:type |
Media SDK | (Required) The asset type (main or ad). |
s:stream:type |
VideoInfo | (Required) The stream type. Can be one of the following:
s:user:id |
Config object for mobile, app measurement VisitorID | (Optional) User’s specifically set Visitor ID. |
s:user:aid |
Experience Cloud Org | (Optional) The user’s Analytics Visitor ID value. |
s:user:mid |
Experience Cloud Org | (Required) The user’s Experience cloud visitor ID value. |
s:cuser:customer_user_ids_x |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Optional) All customer user IDs set on Audience Manager. |
l:aam:loc_hint |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Required) AAM data sent on each payload after aa_start |
s:aam:blob |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Required) AAM data sent on each payload after aa_start |
s:sc:rsid |
Report Suit ID (or IDs) | (Required) Adobe Analytics RSID where reports should be sent. |
s:sc:tracking_server |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Required) Adobe Analytics tracking server. |
h:sc:ssl |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Required) Whether the traffic is over HTTPS (if set to 1) or over HTTP (is set to 0). |
s:sp:ovp |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Optional) Set to “primetime” for Primetime players, or the actual OVP for other players. |
s:sp:sdk |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Required) The OVP version string. |
s:sp:player_name |
VideoInfo | (Required) Video player name (the actual player software, used to identify the player). |
s:sp:channel |
MediaHeartbeatConfig | (Optional) The channel where the user is watching the content. For a mobile app, the app name. For a website, the domain name. |
s:sp:hb_version |
Media SDK | (Required) The version number of the Media SDK library issuing the call. |
l:stream:bitrate |
QoSInfo | (Required) The current value of the stream bitrate (in bps). |
Name | Data Source | Description |
s:event:source |
Media SDK | (Required) The source of the error, either player-internal, or the application-level. |
s:event:id |
Media SDK | (Required) Error ID, uniquely identifies the error. |
Name | Data Source | Description |
s:asset:ad_id |
AdInfo | (Required) The name of the ad. |
s:asset:ad_sid |
Media SDK | (Required) A unique identifier generated by the Media SDK, appended to all ad-related pings. |
s:asset:pod_id |
Media SDK | (Required) Pod ID inside the video. This value is computed automatically based on the following formula: MD5(video_id) + "_" + [pod index] |
s:asset:pod_position |
AdBreakInfo | (Required) Index of the ad inside the pod (the first ad has index 0, the second ad has index 1, etc.). |
s:asset:resolver |
AdBreakInfo | (Required) The ad resolver. |
s:meta:custom_ad_metadata.x |
MediaHeartbeat | (Optional) The custom ad metadata. |
Name | Data Source | Description |
s:stream:chapter_sid |
Media SDK | (Required) The unique identifier associated to the playback instance of the chapter. Note: A chapter can be played multiple times due to seek-back operations performed by the user. |
s:stream:chapter_name |
ChapterInfo | (Optional) The chapter’s friendly (i.e., human readable) name. |
s:stream:chapter_id |
Media SDK | (Required) The unique ID of the chapter. This value is computed automatically based on the following formula: MD5(video_id) + "_" + chapter_pos |
l:stream:chapter_pos |
ChapterInfo | (Required) The chapter’s index in the list of chapters (starting with 1). |
l:stream:chapter_offset |
ChapterInfo | (Required) The chapter’s offset (expressed in seconds) inside the main content, excluding ads. |
l:stream:chapter_length |
ChapterInfo | (Required) The chapter’s duration (expressed in seconds). |
s:meta:custom_chapter_metadata.x |
ChapterInfo | (Optional) Custom chapter metadata. |
Name | Data Source | Description |
s:event:type=end |
Media SDK | (Required) The end close |