Media Analytics (heartbeats) parameter descriptions

Last update: 2024-03-07
  • Created for:
  • User

List of Media Analytics parameters that Adobe collects and processes on the Media Analytics (heartbeats) server:

All Events

Name Data Source  Description 
s:event:type Media SDK (Required)

The type of the event being tracked. Event types:
  • s:event:type=start
  • s:event:type=complete
  • s:event:type=chapter_start
  • s:event:type=chapter_complete
  • s:event:type=buffer
  • s:event:type=pause
  • s:event:type=resume
  • s:event:type=bitrate_change
  • s:event:type=aa_start
  • s:event:type=stall
  • s:event:type=end
l:event:prev_ts Media SDK (Required)

The timestamp of the last event of the same type in this session. The value is -1.
l:event:ts Media SDK (Required)

The timestamp of the event.
l:event:duration Media SDK (Required)

This value is set internally (in milliseconds) by the Media SDK, not by the player. It is used to compute the time spent metrics on the backend. E.g.: is computed as a sum of the duration for all of the Play (type=play) heartbeats that are generated.
Note: This parameter is set to 0 for certain events because they are “state change events” (e.g., type=complete, type=chapter_complete, or type=bitrate_change.)
l:event:playhead VideoInfo (Required)

The playhead was inside the currently active asset (main or ad), when the event was recorded.
s:event:sid Media SDK (Required)

The session ID (a randomly generated string). All events in a certain session (video + ads) should be the same.
l:asset:duration / l:asset:length
(Renamed from length duration)
VideoInfo (Required)

The video asset length of the main asset.
s:asset:publisher MediaHeartbeatConfig (Required)

The publisher of the asset.
s:asset:video_id VideoInfo (Required)

An ID uniquely identifying the video in the publisher’s catalog.
s:asset:type Media SDK (Required)

The asset type (main or ad).
s:stream:type VideoInfo (Required)

The stream type. Can be one of the following:
  • live
  • vod
  • linear
s:user:id Config object for mobile, app measurement VisitorID (Optional)

User’s specifically set Visitor ID.
s:user:aid Experience Cloud Org (Optional)

The user’s Analytics Visitor ID value.
s:user:mid Experience Cloud Org (Required)

The user’s Experience cloud visitor ID value.
s:cuser:customer_user_ids_x MediaHeartbeatConfig (Optional)

All customer user IDs set on Audience Manager.
l:aam:loc_hint MediaHeartbeatConfig (Required)

AAM data sent on each payload after aa_start
s:aam:blob MediaHeartbeatConfig (Required)

AAM data sent on each payload after aa_start
s:sc:rsid Report Suit ID (or IDs) (Required)

Adobe Analytics RSID where reports should be sent.
s:sc:tracking_server MediaHeartbeatConfig (Required)

Adobe Analytics tracking server.
h:sc:ssl MediaHeartbeatConfig (Required)

Whether the traffic is over HTTPS (if set to 1) or over HTTP (is set to 0).
s:sp:ovp MediaHeartbeatConfig (Optional)

Set to “primetime” for Primetime players, or the actual OVP for other players.
s:sp:sdk MediaHeartbeatConfig (Required)

The OVP version string.
s:sp:player_name VideoInfo (Required)

Video player name (the actual player software, used to identify the player).
s:sp:channel MediaHeartbeatConfig (Optional)

The channel where the user is watching the content. For a mobile app, the app name. For a website, the domain name.
s:sp:hb_version Media SDK (Required)

The version number of the Media SDK library issuing the call.
l:stream:bitrate QoSInfo (Required)

The current value of the stream bitrate (in bps).

Error Events

Name Data Source Description  
s:event:source Media SDK (Required)

The source of the error, either player-internal, or the application-level.
s:event:id Media SDK (Required)

Error ID, uniquely identifies the error.

Ad Events

Name Data Source Description  
s:asset:ad_id AdInfo (Required)

The name of the ad.
s:asset:ad_sid Media SDK (Required)

A unique identifier generated by the Media SDK, appended to all ad-related pings.
s:asset:pod_id Media SDK (Required)

Pod ID inside the video. This value is computed automatically based on the following formula:
MD5(video_id) +
"_" +
[pod index]
s:asset:pod_position AdBreakInfo (Required)

Index of the ad inside the pod (the first ad has index 0, the second ad has index 1, etc.).
s:asset:resolver AdBreakInfo (Required)

The ad resolver.
s:meta:custom_ad_metadata.x MediaHeartbeat (Optional)

The custom ad metadata.

Chapter Events

Name Data Source Description  
s:stream:chapter_sid Media SDK (Required)

The unique identifier associated to the playback instance of the chapter.
Note: A chapter can be played multiple times due to seek-back operations performed by the user.
s:stream:chapter_name ChapterInfo (Optional)

The chapter’s friendly (i.e., human readable) name.
s:stream:chapter_id Media SDK (Required)

The unique ID of the chapter. This value is computed automatically based on the following formula:
MD5(video_id) +
"_" +
l:stream:chapter_pos ChapterInfo (Required)

The chapter’s index in the list of chapters (starting with 1).
l:stream:chapter_offset ChapterInfo (Required)

The chapter’s offset (expressed in seconds) inside the main content, excluding ads.
l:stream:chapter_length ChapterInfo (Required)

The chapter’s duration (expressed in seconds).
s:meta:custom_chapter_metadata.x ChapterInfo (Optional)

Custom chapter metadata.

Session End Event

Name Data Source Description  
s:event:type=end Media SDK (Required)

The end close

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