Each report suite that collects media metrics must be configured before media data is sent.
Advanced customers can use the media panels in Analysis Workspace only after Media Core is enabled and tracking is enabled for Quality of Experience.
To take advantage of new capabilities, existing streaming media customers should re-enable media tracking for their RSIDs.
In Reports & Analytics click Admin > Report Suites.
Select the report suite(s) where you are collecting media data and click Edit Settings > Media Management > Media Reporting.
On the Media Reporting page, enable Media Core, and optionally enable Media Ads, Media Chapters, and Media Quality.
Media measurement includes the following modules:
Media Core
Core media measurement is used for media content. This will use Solution (or Custom) eVars to keep track of Content, Content Type, Content Player Name, and Content Channel. Solution (or Custom) events will be used for Media Starts, Content Starts, Content Completes, and Content Time Spent.
Media Ads
Media ad measurement is used for the measurement of ads within the media content. This will use Solution eVvars to measure Ad, Ad Player Name, Ad Pod, and Ad in Pod Position. Solution events will be used for Ad Starts, Ad Completes, Ad Time Spent, and Video Time Spent.
Media Chapters
Video chapters measurement is used for the measurement of chapters. A chapter is a sub-division of content within a single media. This will use a Solution eVar to store the Chapter ID. Solution events will be used for Chapter Starts, Chapter Completes, and Chapter Time Spent. Additional chapter metadata of Chapter Name and Chapter Position will be provided as classifications of Chapter ID.
Media Quality
Video quality measurement is used for measuring the quality of the content playback. This will use Solution eVars to store Time to Start, Buffer Events, Total Buffer Duration, Bitrate Switches, Average Bitrate, Errors, and Dropped Frames. Solution events will be used for Time to Start, Drops before Start, Buffer Impacted Streams, Buffer Events, Total Buffer Duration, Bitrate Change Impacted Streams, Bitrate Changes, Avg Bitrate, Error Impacted Streams, Error Events, Dropped Frame Impacted Streams, and Dropped Frames.
Video & Video Ad Metadata
Metadata can be attached to a media and/or an ad to further describe and categorize that media/ad. Standardized media and ad metadata will be collected via solution variables and classifications. Values to include: Show, Season, Episode, Asset ID, Genre, First Air Date, First Digital Date, Content Rating, Originator, Network, Show Type, Ad Loads, MVPD, Authorized, Day Part, Media Session ID, Advertiser, Campaign ID, and Creative ID.
Audio & Audio Ad Metadata
Metadata can be attached to audio and/or an ad to further describe and categorize that audio/ad. Standardized audio and ad metadata will be collected via solution variables and classifications. Values to include: Artist, Album, Label, Author, Publisher, Station, Show, Season, Episode, Asset ID, Genre, First Air Date, First Digital Date, Content Rating, Originator, Show Type, Ad Loads, Day Part, Media Session ID, Advertiser, Campaign ID, and Creative ID.
Enabling each module reserves a set of variables and creates a new set of reports. With the exception of Quality, there will be no data in reports unless the corresponding implementation has been completed. Implementing the Core module also implements the Quality module if you enable it.
If you are not yet tracking ads, chapters, or playback quality, you can enable additional options at any time.
Click Save.
If this report suite is already configured to collect media data, after you click Save, an additional configuration page is displayed. If you see the Media Core measurement page, continue to the next step.
(Conditional) On the Media Core measurement page, choose to continue using custom variables or choose to use solution variables.
Option | Notes |
Continue using custom variables | Pros and Cons:
Migrate to solution variables | Pros and Cons:
IMPORTANT: Migrating to solution variables causes you to lose all historical trending and comparison for media reports. |
Do not change the classification names for any variables listed in the Metrics and metadata tables (e.g., Audio and video parameters that are described there under Reporting/Reserved Variable as “classification”. The media classifications are defined when a report suite is enabled for media tracking. From time to time, Adobe adds new properties, and when this occurs, customers must re-enable their report suites to get access to the new media properties. During the update process Adobe determines whether the classifications are enabled by checking the names of the variables. If any of them is missing, Adobe adds the missing ones again.