Media Playback Time Spent

Last update: 2024-06-25
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Analyzing playback time spent enables you to understand where peak concurrency occurred or where drop-offs occurred. Media playback time spent provides valuable insight into the quality of content, viewer engagement, and how content is impacting viewership over time. The media playback time spent feature helps with troubleshooting or planning for volume or scale.

Media Playback Time Spent Panel in Analysis Workspace

In Analysis Workspace, Playback Time Spent is the amount of time spent viewing your media stream(s) at a specific point in time, and includes pause, buffer, and time to start. With Media Playback Time Spent, you have the ability to split the playback duration by different time intervals such as 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour.

Media playback time spent helps with analysis of playback over time, with details on peak concurrency and the ability to break down and compare. To access the Media Playback Time Spent panel, navigate to a report suite with streaming media components enabled. Then, click the panel icon on the far-left and drag the panel into your Analysis Workspace project. Learn more…

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