About standard and custom states

Last update: 2023-06-06
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Five standard player states are available and you can add your own custom states.

Standard State Name Media SDK constant Media Collection API name
Full Screen ADB.Media.PlayerState.Fullscreen fullScreen
Closed Captioning ADB.Media.PlayerState.ClosedCaptioning closedCaptioning
Mute ADB.Media.PlayerState.Mute mute
Picture in Picture ADB.Media.PlayerState.PictureInPicture pictureInPicture
In Focus ADB.Media.PlayerState.InFocus inFocus

The data is computed in the same way for standard and custom states but the data is stored differently for Analytics reporting.

For standard states—When you enable the player state tracking from the Media Management console in Analytics reporting (admin side), 15 solution variables are available for reporting and data exports.

For custom states—You can create your own processing rules to store the computed values into custom events and then use those rules for reporting and data exports.


  • One video session is limited to 10 player states.
  • Any combination of states is allowed.
  • If multiple player states pass, only the first 10 are retained and forwarded downstream to the VA processing component.
  • The maximum of 10 states is applied for all the states, no matter if they are closed or not.
  • A state can start and end multiple times and it is counted as a single state. For example, closedCapationing can be started and stopped five times but it will count as a single state.
  • Every state that exceeds the maximum of 10 allowed states are discarded.

Custom states

With the ability to create custom states, you can capture custom actions and update custom metadata during a playback session.

For information about creating custom states, see the Media API Reference guide: createStateObject

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