Learn how to add your data layer to a new datastream in Data Collection. Also, learn how to perform basic mapping functions using the Data Prep for Data Collection feature. For more information, see the Data Prep for Data Collection documentation.
Hi, I’m Travis Jordan on the Adobe product team. In this video, I’m going to show you how to use your existing data layer to send data to Adobe products and other third-party destinations. By the end of this video, you’ll be able to add your data layer to a new datastream in Data Collection. And you’ll also be able to perform basic mapping functions using the Data Prep for Data Collection feature. Let’s go ahead and hop over to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, and get started. Okay, first, we’ll go ahead and select Datastreams from the left menu, and now we’ll create a new datastream.
Let’s go ahead and give that a name.
You can also add a brief description if you’d like. Next, we’ll select a previously created event schema. For this use case, we’re going to select the schema titled “Alloy Magento Store.” Now, I’ll go ahead and click Save and Add Mapping. On the screen, you can upload a previously created JSON file representing your data layer or, if you’ve already implemented the Web SDK and are collecting your data layer via the data object, you can copy the data object from your website, and then simply paste it to your datastream. Let me walk you through how to do that. Okay, here we are on our sample website. Let’s go ahead and just copy the data layer here, and now just jump back over to data prep, and we’re going to paste this right here. Note, one thing to be aware of the JSON object must have a single root node data in order to pass validation. So let’s go ahead and just add that to our schema.
And we’ll add another curly bracket at the end. And now we’re good to go. Let’s go ahead and click Next.
Okay, now we’re going to map the data layer to Adobe’s XDM format so that it can be sent to other Adobe products, or third-party destinations. In this use case, we want to send page visibility data to Adobe so that we can know whether or not this page is visible in the browser. So let’s go ahead and click Add a new mapping, and from the source field we’re going to go ahead, and select Visibility, and then next we’ll jump over to the target field, and under Web we’ll go ahead and select PageVisibility. Now, you can see we have our source field and target field mapped. You can also clean up your data by selecting from a list of 75 plus data prep functions. This will be covered in more detail in another tutorial.
So, for now, we’ll go ahead and just click Save.
Lastly, you can add and configure a service, which tells your datastream where to send this data. For this use case, we’ll go ahead and send our data to Experience Platform. So I’m going to select Add Service, and Experience Platform.
I want to ensure that it is enabled. Now, I select my event data set. For this use case, I’m going to select Alloy Magento Store, and now I’ll go ahead and click Save, and there you go.
This wraps up our video tutorial on how to use your existing data layer to send data to Adobe products, and other third-party destinations, good luck. -