Learn how to create an event-forwarding property in Data Collection. For more information, please visit the Create an event forwarding property documentation.
Adobe Experience Platform Launch is being integrated into Adobe Experience Platform as a suite of data collection technologies. Several terminology changes have rolled out in the interface which you should be aware of while using this content:
In this video we’re going to show you exactly how to create a property within the Launch interface, and we’re going to discuss the differences between server-side - and client-side Launch. I have now logged into the Adobe Experience - Platform Launch interface. And as you can see here, I am in the client-side property section also noted by, over here on the left side, we’re definitely in the client-side. So, the first thing I’ll need to do to create a property in server-side Launch is first make sure that I’ve actually been - given access to it. And, so, to do that - you’ll need to work with your Adobe account team, but once you’ve been provisioned - with server-side Launch you should be able to - have this option, here, where you’d actually go - in to the left menu, here, and this is where you will not only switch between client-side and server-side but also manage your Edge - configurations as well. For now, we’re going to focus on just creating a server-side property. So, we’ll switch to server-side and we will create a brand new property.
Server-side property. You can see here that - the platform is the Edge so definitely showing you - that we’re in the right area, the server-side. And we’re going to go ahead and hit Save. So now, find that property and here we go. Routing a new server-side - forwarding property. Edge network, it’s enabled. So, let’s click to go in there. Now the interface between - Launch server-side and Launch client-side is very similar. So, both properties have rules, both properties have data - elements and extensions, publishing workflow and environments, but there are quite a few differences and those will be reflected as you’re navigating through the systems. If you ever, kind of, - get confused for a moment of which style property - you’re working with, always make sure you can look up here. Notice the icon for the - server-side properties as well as over here on the left side, that’ll show you whether you’re working on server-side or client-side. One of the biggest differences - in Launch server-side is the environments. So, let’s take a look at - those environments tab. So, this should look familiar for those of you who worked on the client-side. There’s, by default, we - create a production, staging and development environment but there’s no icon over here - to grab the JavaScript code. That’s because there is no - JavaScript code for this. This is all configuration files that live out on the Adobe - Experience Edge network. Now you can still create - multiple other environments and you should do this. Whatever type of environment you’ve set up on the client-side, so if you’ve - got several pre-productions or several extra QA environments, you’ll probably want to create - a server-side environment that mirrors whatever you’re - doing on the client-side so that when you start to do testing, or testing out things in - different environments on the client-side those - changes can also be tested in the corresponding environment for the server-side as well. To add a new environment is very simple, we go over here to the - Add Environment button. You can see, you can - only have one production, one staging just like - before, but you can create as many development - environments as you want. So, I’m going to create a QA1, right now, of course, - the only host is managed by Adobe and we’ll hit Save. And it’s very simple, there - is now my QA1 environment and this will now show up - in the publishing workflow just as it did before on the client-side. So, if we go to publishing - we want to create a new library, it’s right - there for the development. And then, of course, the QA1 which is also development - of our library as well. And that’s it, you have already created your very first Launch - server-side property. - -