Set up a datastream for event forwarding

Last update: 2025-02-14
  • Created for:
  • Intermediate

Learn how to set up a datastream for event forwarding. For more information, please visit the event forwarding documentation


Adobe Experience Platform Launch is being integrated into Adobe Experience Platform as a suite of data collection technologies. Several terminology changes have rolled out in the interface which you should be aware of while using this content:

  • Platform Launch (Client Side) is now tags
  • Platform Launch Server Side is now event forwarding
  • Edge configurations are now datastreams

In this video we’re going to discuss the relationship between client side, the Edge network and server-side. And then we’re going to open up the tool and look at how to link - the Edge configuration to your server-side property. So, this slide does a - great job of representing our new unified data - collection approach at Adobe. So, if you look on the left side all of that in the light - gray is the client side and that is through the - Adobe Experience Platform, Web SDK and Mobile SDK. So all data collection for, - both, all of the Adobe solutions and any non-Adobe - destinations you may be using can now be done through a - single client side library depending on the Web - SDK or the Mobile SDK, whichever environment you’re in. That data is sent in the XDM format to the Adobe Experience - Platform Edge Network, there in the center. From there, the data is automatically sent to whatever Adobe solution you selected in the Edge configuration. From there, once you enable - server-side forwarding, as well, you can also syndicate that data out to any non-Adobe destinations as well. So now, let’s take a look at what it takes to configure your Edge configuration. So, we’re going to open up - the tool and see it live. So, we are now back inside of the Adobe Experience Platform Launch interface and currently I’m inside - of a client side property, but what we need to do is - connect the client side data collection through - the Edge configuration so that it knows which - server-side property to interact with. Now, one of the things - that’s always been great about the client side properties - is the fact that you can create multiple environments - to match whatever type of development environment - you currently have. And by default, we have one production, one staging, one development, but you can create as many - environments as you want. So, I can go in here and - create a QA environment on the device side, client side and be able to have that as - part of my workflow process. But what we want to be able to do is have all of these - environments matched up with their corresponding - server-side environments as well. So, this is done through - the Edge configuration. So up here on the left hand - side, the top left corner, I’ll go from client side - to Edge configurations. And we’ll take a look for an Edge configuration - that I already set-up. And, so, you can see here that I’ve got my development production and staging environments already set-up. And what I can do is I can go in here to my staging environment and - go down to watch server-side, which is already set-up, - select the property that I want to work with and - that should be done here, the server-side property - and then I can select the environment that this matches to. So, I’m in the staging - environment right now so I’m going to match that up to staging. And I can see exactly - which environment I’m in, the name is here, also the name, the ID is appended to the ID. And, so, all I have to do to - connect launch client side to launch server side is to - go into the Edge configuration that I’ve set up for this property, find the right environment - and do this mapping. And once I hit save, I - have now connected this to the client side property, - to the server-side property. Now we can add a new - environment, even here, on the Edge configuration. So, I’m going to call a QA1 so that it matches what we created in the client and the - server-side properties. So now I’ve got QA1, I’m - not worried right now about analytics, and - Audience Manager, and target we’re just talking about server-side. Let’s go back and find that - server-side property, again, and then select QA1, which is not there. I have to select the right property. There’s QA1. So, once you select the right property don’t worry about all the - property names you see there, you will only see the property names for which that are in your account. So, if you have lots of - properties in your accounts they will all be here. You’ll be able to just quickly - scroll through and find them so I’m going to hit save. So, I’ve created a new Edge configuration specific to that environment. And this is a key step, because - as part of your workflow and data governance, you - know, part of your testing that you’re going to be - doing on the client side, if you’re doing a whole bunch - of testing, and QA and dev you don’t want all that data going to your production systems. So, you can manage that, manage - your server-side testing, and troubleshooting and validation the same way you’ve grown - to know how to do it on the client side as well. So that’s it, very simple stuff. You’ve now connected those all together. - -

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