Learn how to use CocoaPods and Gradle to manage Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK extensions and dependencies. For more information about installing the SDK with CocoaPods and Gradle, please see the documentation.
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With the latest version of the Adobe Experience platform Mobile SDKs, we’ve made it even easier to add the Mobile SDK along with all dependencies and extensions into your application project. In Adobe Launch, customers can enable and configure their mobile core extension, along with any other additional solution or third party extensions that they wish to include in their application. By managing both the mobile core and all other solutions as extensions in Launch, customers gain additional control over the configuration and deployment of these solutions. After selecting and configuring the appropriate extensions, you can click on the environments tab in Launch and see installation instructions that utilize dependency managers to bring in both the SDK as well as other extensions. Using Gradle and CocoaPods to manage these dependencies, provides an easy way for developers to include all necessary files in their application projects. Let’s take a look. Here I have a brand new Xcode project that I would like to include the Mobile SDK in. So I’m going to just close this for now and come back to it.
In Launch, I have already set up my mobile property, and I’m ready to include the SDK build in my app project. I click on the environments tab, and I go to my development environment and click on the package icon next to it.
Inside the iOS tab, I see a set of instructions for including the SDK in my project. First, I need to create a pod file in my project folder.
For that I will use Terminal and I’ll navigate to the project folder on my desktop.
I use the command pod in it, to create that CocoaPods file inside my project folder.
Next, I open up that pod file in a text edit application.
From here, under the use frameworks comment, I’m going to copy the dependencies from my launch instructions and paste it into the pods file.
We’ll go ahead and save and close and then back in terminal, I’m going to run the pod install command.
You will see that all the appropriate frameworks are now being retrieved and finally added to my project. I can close the session, and look in my project folder and I will now see there’s a workspace that has been created.
I can open up the workspace that was created and see that all the CocoaPods have been added to my project. I’m now ready to initialize the SDK and begin using it in my application. There’s a similar process for bringing in the appropriate dependencies for my Android Studio project. Similar to Xcode, I’m starting with a blank project in Android Studio.
Going back to the environments tab inside of Adobe Launch, I can see that I have an Android tab and it asks me to add the dependencies to my build.gradle file.
I can hit the copy button, come back over to Android Studio, go to my build.gradle file, make sure it’s the module version.
And in the dependencies window here, I can paste in those implementation snippets.
I’ll hit the sync now button, and it’ll go out and retrieve those dependencies for my Android project.
Once the sync is finished, I can expand the generated Java folder and see that in the Adobe.marketing.mobile folder, all of the appropriate dependencies have been added to this project. I’m now ready to initialize the SDK and begin my implementation. So that’s it for using dependency managers with the Adobe Experience platform Mobile SDK. The great part about it is how easy it is to add these dependencies to your Android and your iOS application projects. You don’t need to go out and keep track of a bunch of different GitHub repos, and you don’t have to worry about always making sure that you have the correct version of the dependencies added to your project. Thanks for watching.