Learn how to create tag properties to manage the marketing tags on your website. For more information, see the properties documentation.
In this video, we’ll show you how to create a property in tags and some considerations to keep in mind as you create them. As a quick overview, there is a basic workflow to follow when using tags to implement Adobe Experience Cloud applications into your website. First, you create a property, then you decide on the hosting options for that property. Next, you set up your environment, followed by installing and configuring extensions, adding data elements and rules, and finally publishing the JavaScript library code to your website. For this video, we’ll be focusing on the first step, which is creating a property in tags. A property is a container that houses the configuration settings for the capabilities you are deploying on your website or application. A single property can be used to represent one or more websites or apps. A property can also accommodate one or more domains and subdomains. For example, suppose you have multiple websites on different domains that are all based on the same template. If you want to track the same assets for all of these sites, you can use the same property. On the other hand, if you have very different websites or apps with unrelated tracking needs. You can use a separate property for each one so that you have precise control over their unique needs. Each implementation can be very different with a wide variety of data collection needs. Variable usage, third party technologies and systems, as well as access needs. For the people who manage tags for that project, you should consider each of these elements as you decide whether to create a new property in the first place. And if so, how to create that property. The key question to ask is are these considerations similar across your sites or apps, or are they significantly different? If the items on the left are similar between your websites, grouped them together in the same property. If the sites are significantly different, you’ll want to separate them into their own properties. For example, a company with a travel website and a retail website might assume that these sites have different tracking needs. But when you think about it, they’re actually very similar. The travel site lets visitors search through vacation packages and purchase them and the retail site visitors search for products and then purchase them with only a few exceptions. You can use most of the same tags for both sites so they can both use the same property. In this demonstration scenario, we have just one website domain Luma, an e-commerce site for athletic apparel. We want to implement tags on this website. So we’ll start by creating a new property and tags. After logging in to Experience Cloud, we can use a solution switcher on the upper right corner and select data collection from the list. Or we can select the data collection icon in the quick access widget on the home screen. In either case, we’ll navigate to the data collection interface and from here we’ll select tags and the left navigation. Here in the tags interface, we’re given a list of existing properties. We could click into one of these properties to see its details. But since we’re interested in creating a new property, will select new property on the upper right instead. On the next screen we need to configure the basic details for the property. Starting with the property name. This name should be intuitive and since we know this property is only going to be used for the Luma website, we’ll call this property Luma web. Next, we need to select the platform. Web is chosen by default, which works for us. Since we’re making this property for a website. But if we were making this for our mobile app instead we would select mobile here and we’d be given some different options below. So we’ll stay on web and the next thing we’re asked for is the domain. So I’ll put an Luma dot com. If we were adding multiple websites under this property. We can click add another to continue adding more domains for as many websites as we want to cover in this same property. We can also click into advanced options to configure these if we wish, which includes a sequence in which rules are run, how missing data elements are returned, and whether we want to configure this property for extension development. We’ll just keep these set to their default for now. Now that we’re happy with the property definition, we’ll click save and the property is now created. We land back on the list of properties we saw earlier and now our new property will be included among them. If you don’t see the new property right away, you can use a search bar to narrow down the list of results by name. If you still can’t find the property you created, this is likely because the auto include option for properties has been disabled, an admin console and you will need to get in touch with the system or product. I’d been to grant you access to the new property, assuming that you can see the property in the list. If you check the box to the left of the property name three options appear on the right. We can configure the basic details of the property. We can copy that property and the assets it contains into a new property. And we can also delete a property at any time if we no longer need it. When you click on the name of your property, the overview screen for that property opens up and that’s it. You’ve created your first property. From here you can start configuring the options and resources within that property before deploying tags to your website or mobile app. Thanks for watching.