Learn how to add users and manage permissions for Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection features so employees at your company have the access they need to do their jobs.
In this video, we’ll cover how to grant a user access to data collection features an Adobe Experience platform such as tags, data streams and event forwarding. To accomplish this, you must be a system madman or a product level admin for Adobe Experience Platform Data collection. If you are not a system admin and a user, you are adding is expected to work with the platform web SDK, mobile SDK or Server API. You will also need product level admin rights for Adobe Experience platform in all cases, the process of adding a new user starts in Adobe Admin console where you grant the user access to capability is under the data collection product. Depending on what you are setting up the user to do, there may be additional steps to cover their permission needs and we’ll cover these as we go. For now, let’s happen to add the console select products in the top navigation, then click into Adobe Experience Platform Data collection will see a list of product profiles for data collection with the default profile by default data collection. All access A product profile is a collection of permissions for certain product features, and you can assign users to those profiles to give them access to those permissions. We could choose to add our new user to the default product profile and even edit the permissions that profile grants if you wish. But in this scenario, let’s say that we want to create an entirely new set of permissions for this user. In that case, will select new profile. After naming and creating the new profile, it will appear on our list and that we’re looking into it. We land on its details page where we can configure its users and permissions. Let’s start with permissions. You can see that we have a few permission categories listed, and if we click edit next to a category will jump to the edit dialog and automatically land on the appropriate tab for that category. In the left column, we have a list of available permissions within this category that can be added to the product profile. And on the right is the list of permissions that are currently included using the plus and minus buttons. Next to these permissions, we can add and remove them from the profile respectively. Once we’re happy with our choices for one category, we can use the left navigation to configure permissions for other categories. Let’s quickly run through each of these categories and the kinds of permissions they offer. Platforms gives the user rights to configure web, mobile or event forwarding properties. This can be useful when the team that manages your mobile apps is different from the one that manages your websites, Properties, grants, access to specific tag properties that have been created by your organization. If restricting this users access to new tag properties is not a priority, you can also use the auto include toggle at the top to automatically give access to new properties as they’re created so you don’t have to come back to add the console each time to add the new property to the product profile. Property rights gives access to features within the properties selected from the previous category. This includes the ability to edit their basic configurations, manage their extensions and environments, and progress them through the publishing process. Company writes controls permissions for capabilities that fall outside of specific properties, an important one to get started with tags is the Managed Properties permission, which allows the user to create new properties for the most up to date information on the list of available data collection permissions, Please refer to the documentation. Once we’re satisfied, we’ll let save. And now the permissions summary view has been updated to reflect the permissions we’ve added. Now let’s head over to users. Then select add users will add the email address of the user we want to add to this profile. And if their email is associated with an Adobe account, their details will fill out automatically. Otherwise you can just type them in manually click Save. And now we can see our new user added to the profile, granting them the permissions we just configured. If the user only needs to access your tagged properties based on the permissions we just configured, then you’re now finished. But let’s say this user is also working with the platform Web SDK, mobile SDK, or Server API. In this case, we have a few more steps that we need to take care of. To start, let’s head back to the product section and admin console and then select Adobe Experience platform. Remember, you’ll need to be a system admin or a product admin for Experience Platform to access this, there are two different processes for granting platform permissions to users and only one will be available to you depending on whether your organization has purchased a platform based application such as real time customer data platform, Adobe Journey Optimizer and so on. We’ll go over these differences shortly. But regardless of the process you end up using, you only need to grant access to a specific subset of the available platform permissions to these users in order for them to use the SDK or server API. The first of these are sandboxes which are added by default as a required permission category. The user must be granted access to at least one sandbox, so choose the ones that you want the new users to have access to. From here you must grant the user all the available permissions under the following categories data modeling, identity management and data collection. These permissions allow the user to view and manage the schemas identity namespaces and data streams that are critical for Platform STK, mobile SDK and server API implementations. Let’s head back to admin console and show what this looks like in practice. Given your organization’s product licenses, if your organization hasn’t purchased a platform based application, you essentially follow the same process of adding permissions for data collection and admin console. In other words, you add the user to an existing product profile or create a new one, Whichever profile you add the user to that profile must contain the required permissions we outlined previously. As you can see in this profile here, we have all the permissions for data modeling, identity management and data collection included. All we need to do is add our new user under the users tab to grant them access to these permissions. And we’re all done. Now, if your organization has purchased the platform based app, you should just have one product profile for platform, an admin console called App Default. All users, as the name suggests, this is the default product profile for Experience Platform and for organizations that have purchased a platform based application, all users must be added to this profile to access any set of platform capabilities, Click into this profile, select the users tab, and then click Add users like we did with data collection. Enter the email address of the new user, then hit save to add them to the profile. And that was all we needed to do and admin console. So now let’s head over to the Experience Platform interface in the left navigation Select permissions then select roles similar to the process of adding new users to experienced platform. We need to add our data collection user to a role that contains the required permissions that we outlined earlier. In this case, we’ll be creating a new role, So we’ll click Create Role. And here’s where we can start configuring our required permissions. The first of these are sandboxes, which is added by default as a required permission category, since the role must grant access to at least one sandbox, this section cannot be left blank or removed. Choose the sandbox as you want. Then use the left rail to add the data modeling, identity management and data collection categories to the canvas. Once they’re added, use the dropdown menu for each category and select the option to add all the respective permissions to the role hit. Save to confirm your changes and then click properties to land back on the overview page for the role showing the permissions we’ve added. Finally, we need to add our user to this role. Select the users tab, then select add users. From here you can locate the user in the provided list using the search bar to narrow down the results by name. If you need to remember for a user to appear in this list, you must add them to the app Default all users product profile and admin console. First, as you showed earlier, once the user is added, I’ll select save and now they should have access to all relevant data collection capabilities. So that was the process for how to add a new user to data collection, depending on whether they’re working with the platform web SDK, mobile SDK or server API, and whether your organization has purchased a platform based application. For more information on the available permissions and data collection and the capabilities that grant access to, please refer to the documentation. Thanks for watching.