Find unused audiences with AI Assistant

Last update: 2025-01-11
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Learn how to identify unused audiences with AI Assistant so you can delete them and make your marketing operations more efficient. For more information on querying the AI Assistant, see the Question guide for AI Assistant.


Let’s take a look at how AI Assistant and Adobe Experience Platform can help optimize marketing operations by decluttering audiences. I need to find all of my unused audiences that clutter up my system so that I can keep my audience inventory clean and optimized. To solve this problem, I would normally have to manually review each audience and identify all of those that have zero profiles. I have to check other campaigns and audience lists to confirm that these audiences are not being used in any other destinations before I can proceed with their deletion. With the new AI Assistant, I can ask these questions directly to the AI Assistant and it will provide me with a list of hyperlinks that I can act on from right within the responses. Let’s see this in action. I am going to ask the AI Assistant to help me find which of my audiences have zero profiles. Once AI Assistant has returned with the list of audiences with no profiles, you can expand the list to see more, download the full CSV, or use the links provided to go right into the audience details to confirm. Next, let’s ask the AI Assistant which of my audiences have never been activated to a destination. Again, we can explore this response, download the full list, and click through to the audience to see the details. Next, you know we’re feeling good about this information that we have found, but just to make sure that we’re doing all the steps properly, we can even ask the AI Assistant to provide a list of best practices for deleting an audience, just to make sure we have all of our I’s dotted and T’s crossed. Now we are ready to proceed. Let’s take this one more step and let’s get AI Assistant to find us a list, a combined list of audiences that have never been activated and have zero profiles. With this enhanced prompt and response, we can go through the list and start removing the clutter to streamline and clean our audience inventory, making it easier and more efficient for us to find high value audiences and activate them to our various destinations. You too can increase your operational efficiencies by using AI Assistant just like I did.

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