Learn how to verify and validate the responses that AI Assistant in Adobe Experience Platform provides.
In this video, we’re going to show you how to verify and validate the responses that AI Assistant within Adobe Experience Platform provides. It’s important to note that questions about product knowledge and operational insights have different methods and mechanisms to verify the results. Let’s look at these now. We’re going to start with a product knowledge question. How does RTCDP manage consent for profiles? Once we have the response, you are able to see that AI Assistant provides links to Experience League under the Show Sources section. These links have inline references in the response, and we also encourage you to click on these links to not only verify the response, but to also read more about the subject. Now let’s look at the verification process with an operational insights question. I’m going to ask the AI Assistant how many audiences are activated and show me their names. Once the results are displayed, you can click on any of the audiences. This will load the audience view, and you can verify that it is indeed activated to a destination. Back in the results, it shows you how the prompt has been interpreted along with a step-by-step explanation on how that response was generated. In addition, it also generates a well-documented SQL query which explains the logic around the query. Please note, this is the query against the AI Assistant’s Knowledge Graph and therefore cannot be used to run inside of Query Service. If you happen to encounter an issue with a response, or you find the perfect answer, please use the in-product feedback features to let us know how AI Assistant is performing. With this better understanding of how AI Assistant helps you verify and validate the results, you can better refine your prompts to get the most out of AI Assistant. Be sure to also check out these additional resources for AI Assistant.