Audience rule builder overview

Last update: 2025-02-14
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

Get an introduction to the Audience rule builder in Experience Platform, including the building blocks of audiences, the user interface, and a few tips on getting started building audience rules. For more information, please see the Segment Builder documentation.


“Segments” have been renamed “Audiences” in the Platform interface. Select Create audience > Build rule to enter the rule builder featured in this video.


Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video I want to show you the basics including the basic building blocks of creating segments in Platform. So, first of all, after having opened up Platform in a browser, I’ve gone here on the left to Segments. And this brings me to this browse section here where I can see the segments that I’ve already created. And so, if you’ve already created some, there’ll be there. If not, then of course, that will be empty. Now let me go up here to the right and we’ll say, Create Segment.

Now there’s really three parts to this interface. As you can see on the left is where you’re going to get all the stuff to build your segments. We’ll go over these options in just a moment. In the middle is your Canvas where you’re going to build it. You’re going to drag things over here as you can see in this little animated gift there. And then on the right you’re going to see how many people are in that segment. And you’re going to be able to view some of the profiles. You’re going to be able to see the code view. This is also where you actually name the segment and give it a good description. Now let’s jump back over to the left and talk about the building blocks. There are really three kinds of things that you can put into this Canvas here. One is attributes and then there’s events and then there are Audiences. Now, before I start locating things and dragging them over and everything like that let me just give you my big soap box discussion here and preach to you about the importance of you understanding your data that you have in the platform. And I know that if you’re building segments you might not be the person who set up the schemas. You might not be the person who is bringing data into the Platform, but it’s still really important for you to understand the data that is in Platform but you’re going to be using in this Segment Builder. So, you’ll need to become very familiar again with the schemas. And you can see down here, if I go down here there’s schemas right there and there’s datasets. So, if I jump over to schemas here’s a list of my existing schemas. And what I wanted to show you is up here that if I create a new schema, I’m really creating either a profile schema or an Experience Event schema. And those are going to map to the building blocks of our segments, right? So we’ve got profile and Experience Event. And if I go back to my Segment Builder profile is like attributes and Experience Event is events. I’ll get to Audiences in a second. But attributes, you know think of them as attributes of the people that are going to be in this segment. So, as I drill down on this a little bit here you’ll be able to see that it’s things like, here’s some easy ones to figure out like home address, mobile phone, information about the person. If I drill down on that, you’ll see full name and gender. Let me go back up.

Personal email, segment membership some of these other ones here but you can see that there are things about the person. So, if you are an analytics person you might even compare this to classifications. Like it’s a classification or a piece of metadata about the person that is in the profile. So, what we’re really doing here with the Segment Builder is we are using the elements of a person’s profile to put them into the segments that they belong so that we can then market to those groups of people. Anyway yeah. An attribute is something about the person. It’s not something that they’re doing. Now we jump over to the things they’re doing and that’s the events. So, if you think about the web world then an event is a click a page view of this or that. A thing they’re doing. Anything that you’re doing that we’re going to have a timestamp on it is an Experience Event. But obviously this goes beyond the web and it can be for a call center when they call in and answer certain questions or ask certain things. It could be survey data when they actually answer a survey question, et cetera. So, you can see this can be any type of data but always think of that action that it is something that has a timestamp something that they’re doing. Now, for example, if I drag an attribute into this Canvas and let’s just use personal emails, an example and I have email address and you can see here that this is basically the schema path. So, you see the last couple of them here, personally email address but we’ll get more into that in a minute. If I drag that over here, it’s an attribute. So, it automatically goes into this attributes section here. And then of course I could say equals if I just want one person or maybe I just want to say exists and say I really want this group to have an email address in there so I can send them an email. So, you can drag any number of attributes over there and do ands and ORs and things like that. Now you’ll see that this events section came up automatically as well. So now I can also grab events and we’ll talk more about the different events and things in another video. But in this one, I’m just going to look for the purchase. And I can just say people who had a purchase and I’ll just drag it over here. And if I click on that, I could add which products and those kinds of things but I’m not going to do that for now. I’m just going to leave that alone. But you can see now that my segment is people for whom I have an email address and they’ve had a purchase. And it basically says it down here where it says Include Address exists and include Audience who have at least one purchases event. And between the attributes and events, or in other words when I add at least one attribute and at least one event it’s always an and between these two sections. You can have ands and ors in the same section in either of these sections but if you add things to the attributes and the events it is currently an and between those. But as you build those then it will show you down here on the bottom, right what you are building. Now, let me make a change to my event because I want to emphasize the importance of you understanding your schema. So, I’m going to get rid of that. And I’m actually going to go over here and just write name because I’m looking for a page name. I want people who have an email address, so I can send them an email but they went to a certain page on my site, for example. But when I put name here, oh my gosh, look at this. I got names all over the place. Implementation details name, product list items name, browser details name, application name. I mean, I got all these names here. and I go down here and I finally find the one I want because I know that it’s in this That is my web page name. Well, how would I know that? Well, again, it’s because I know the data that’s coming into my site. So if I come back to my schemas and I look at this web events, basic schema here and this is one that I created, I named it that and then you go down here and I have web and web page details. And then under that, I have name, right? So I can just click on that right there. And so once again, that is And so that’s the schema, right that we’re using and then we have these datasets, which is kind of like a named database that is using this schema. And I’ve opened up some sample records from this data set and you can see over here, and it gives me the schema web, web page details name right there. And you can see that I have it right there And so, I have these different ones here. So, I know for example, that I’ve uploaded some of this data that has these different page names. For example, gear. So, if I go back, I can say, you know what, a page name and the page name equals gear, hit Enter, and that’s there. And now I can go over here and refresh estimate to see how many people have gone to that page and for whom I have an email address. But again, very important for you to know your data because I could have gotten caught up in all these different names here looking for a page name but I knew what I was looking for. I knew I was looking for Web > Web page details > name and that’s where my page names were. And then last but not least these Audiences up here. And if I click on that you’ll see that I have a few folders here. One is Experience Platform. And if I click on that, it has those Audiences or Segments that have already created. They were out there on the list before I even came in here to create a new segment. Now, where do I drag those in because there’s attributes up at the top here that’s for that one and there’s events down here but what about these different Audiences here if I want to include them in the segment? In other words they also have to be in the segment. So, let’s say Residents of Allentown. And if I start to drag this over you can see that nothing happens when I’m on Events but if I go over here to Attributes it gives me some drop zones. And so, I can drop it for example, right there. So, the reality is that when the Audiences are added to your Segment, they are also an attribute. And what it really means is one of the attributes of the people is that they belong to that segment. They are members of that segment. So now, as you can see, my Segment is a little more specific and I have to have an email address and they have to be Residents of Allentown by the way and oh, they have to have gone to this page or name equals gear. In any case, this can be very complicated and you can do a lot of things. But at the end of the day it’s really understanding your attributes. It’s understanding the events or the different things that people are doing or adding these Audiences as an attribute as well because they are members of that segment. Adding those all to this Canvas and then you can see them over here and you can save it and you give it a name and a description and then you are good to go. Hope that was helpful to just walk through the basics of the Segment Builder. Good luck. -

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