Learn how to create and manage data usage policies in the Adobe Experience Platform user interface. Data usage policies allow you to restrict data usage for specific purposes based on the labeling of data. To learn the API-based approach, see create data usage policies with the API.
In this video, I’ll show you how to manage data usage policies in Adobe Experience Platform. I’ll show you how to view policies provided out-of-the-box and how to create custom policies based on your usage needs. Data usage policies allow you to restrict data usage for specific purposes based on the classification of data. Two constructs are provided that act as building blocks: governance labels and marketing actions. First, let’s look at the policies provided out-of-the-box. Navigate to the Platform interface and click the Policies tab on the left under the Privacy section. Here you can see the list of all data usage policies available. The Owner column indicates who created the policy, such as these out-of-the-box policies provided by Adobe. Think of these Adobe-provided policies as a starting point capturing some common use cases for restricting data usage and are based on the labels and marketing actions also provided out-of-the-box. Any org enabled for policy enforcement will have these policies available for use and activated. To create a new policy, let’s click the Create Policy button at the top of the page. This allows you to create new policies based on your specific compliance needs for restricting data usage. The first step in the policy creation workflow allows you to provide a friendly name and description. Let’s say you want to prevent using precise geolocation data or other directly identifiable data for onsite targeting purposes. The next step allows you to select the labels reflecting the data classification for which this policy will be applicable. Given our use case, I’m selecting the S1 label to capture precise geolocation data and a more general I1 label to capture directly identifiable data. Note that you have to separately use these labels to classify the data you bring into Platform for the policy to be applicable. Using the switcher on the right, you can choose whether the data requires both of these labels or just either one for usage to be restricted. This translates into an and-or-or expression respectively in the rule builder. In the third step, you choose the marketing actions that should be restricted if data contains the labels we just selected. Since we want to prevent all forms of onsite targeting, I’ll select both onsite advertising and onsite personalization, which is interpreted as an or expression by the rule builder. Note that the marketing actions you choose here should be consistent with the actions registered by the downstream applications and services where the data usage happens. The final step shows a summary for you to review before the policy is created. Click Save and you’ll be redirected to the Policy List page where you can see the new created policy. An overview of the policy is provided when you click the policy in the list. Here you have the option to disable the policy so that it’s not considered for enforcement in Platform workflows. Additionally the Edit button allows you to go back to the authoring workflow and make any changes after creation. You should now be able to manage data usage policies on Platform, including viewing available policies and creating new policies as needed. -