Schedule dataset deletes

Last update: 2025-02-14
  • Created for:
  • Experienced

Learn how to schedule dataset deletes using Adobe Experience Platform’s Data Hygiene feature.

Dataset delete allows data stewards and data engineers to set an expiration date for a dataset. For more information, please visit the data hygiene documentation.


In this video, we’ll show you how to configure your Experience Platform datasets to automatically expire after a predetermined length of time. This feature is part of Platform’s Advanced Data Lifecycle management capabilities, which are available to all organizations that have purchased Healthcare Shield or Privacy and Security Shield. In Platform, data stewards and engineers can limit the lifespan of any dataset in the system by assigning it an expiration date. Once this future date has been reached, that dataset and its contents are automatically deleted from the data lake, identity graph, and profile store. While you can always delete datasets manually to remove unused or unwanted data from the system, automated expirations are meant to help you remain compliant with contractual obligations when using third-party data from external vendors. The data in question typically comes with a license agreement that expires after a certain date, so you can assign this expiration date to the relevant datasets in Platform to ensure the data is automatically deleted at the right time. Setting these up in Platform is simple, so let’s jump into the interface and walk through the process. If an administrator has assigned you permissions for Data Lifecycle, you’ll see it under Privacy in the left nav here. Click into it and we’ll land on the main tab. If our company has set up expiration requests before, we’ll see a list of them here, but otherwise this will just show up blank. In either case, we’ll be making a new expiration here, so click Create Request in the upper right. When it comes to setting up the expiration itself, you can probably guess what we need to provide here – an existing dataset and a future date that we want it to be deleted on. We’ll start with the dataset first. Click the icon to open the browsing dialog, and depending on the number of datasets you have, you’ll likely want to make use of the search bar to narrow down the list. In this case, I’m looking for our partner dataset here, so I’ll select it and hit Done. That’s our dataset selected, so now we just need to pick an expiration date. You can manually type in the date if you like, or you can use a calendar dialog like I’m doing here. Now, if for some reason I’ve been a terrible data steward and I’ve left it to the last minute to set up this expiration, you can see that the soonest data I can set is tomorrow. If I choose this, the dataset will be set for deletion, but the exact time that deletion happens can be any time in that 24-hour period. If your data life cycle policy strictly required data to be deleted by the early morning of the due date, best practice is to set this to the date before the actual expiration. So, I’ll jump ahead a few months to the actual expiration date, which is June 13th, and I’ll set it to June 12th to keep us covered for that 24-hour buffer period. And from here, I’ll enter a descriptive name for the expiration so I can easily find it later, and then I’ll hit Submit. And there’s our expiration created. We land on the Details page where we can see the number of days remaining, and from here we can edit and cancel the request if we need to using these controls here. Going back to the main view for data life cycle, we can see our request listed, where we can keep track of it among our other scheduled deletions, and ones that have completed in the past. So, that was dataset expirations in a nutshell. We hope this handy feature will give your data stewards some extra peace of mind as they work to keep your stored data, customer identities, and profiles compliant with your partner agreements and internal obligations. Thanks for watching.


All Platform customers can delete datasets on demand. Scheduling dataset deletes is currently only available for customers of Healthcare Shield or Privacy and Security Shield.

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