Configuring file-based cloud storage or email marketing destinations

Last update: 2025-02-14
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  • Intermediate

Get tips during a walkthrough of the configuration of a file-based destination in Adobe’s Real-Time Customer Data Platform (CDP). This applies to cloud storage destinations (E.g. S3 or SFTP) and also email marketing destinations. For more detailed product documentation, see:


Hey everybody. This is Doug. In this video, I want to show you and walk you through how to add segments to a destination, and also how to configure those segments before you send them out. Now, the destination categories that we’re going to focus on in this video are the cloud storage and email marketing categories, because they are based on files that are sent out to those locations and to those partners. Also important is to know that this video is for marketers or business practitioners, whatever you call yourself, but not the admin who has to have the credentials to set up the connection, but rather once a connection is set up, you know, the day to day adding segments, configuring those segments so that you have your data going out to these cloud storage or email marketing destination partners. Okay. Set the stage, ready to go. Here we are. We’re in the destinations, and you can see that I’ve already got into activated destination. So again, this means that it’s already been connected and the credentials have already been put in so that I can do my job, which is just to add the segments, configure the scheduling, decide what the data is going to look like, et cetera. So as you go in to do this, yeah, right away, you’re going to select the segments that you want to go out. You’re going to select the data that you want to go out. You’re going to select the profiles really, that you want to go out to these destination partners. Now you will have already named this destination, so it might be based on the kind of data that you’re going to send out, or it might be just based on the kind of a bucket that you’re going to use, whether that’s S3 or SFTP or whatever. So, however you want to name those, it doesn’t really matter for this tutorial. Now you can see that we can select multiple segments, so I’m going to select a couple of them, maybe just this Luma customers with level gold or above, and purchased men’s product in the last 30 days, whatever. Right? So whatever segments I want to go out to this destination, it’ll show you over here on the right-hand side of the ones you’ve selected, and we’ll go ahead and click next. Now, as you can see, there’s really two main things to do on this screen. One is to set the schedule of how often you want this data to go out, and the other one is the file name. Let’s start with the scheduling. So you do this per segment, so I’m going to jump into the scheduling for this first one. So you can see you’ve got a couple of options up here at the top. You can export full files, or you can export incremental files. Now if you want full files on every export, your frequency options are a little more limited. You can do it just once if you want, if you just want to see what the data is going to look like when it lands there, or you’re doing some testing or whatever, but if you want ongoing data, then your options are daily or daily. And so you can do that. You can select what time of the day you want it to go out, as you can see here. Please notice that this is UTC time, so you’ll want to keep that in mind, as you determine what time you want those to process and be sent out. Then you’ve got start and end dates down here, maybe we just run this for a month, you can see those dates right here. Easy-peasy. Okay. Now you can also choose to export incremental files, so I’m going to select that one. Now you’ll see I have more options. I can still choose daily, but now I also have some hourly options, and so those options are every three, six, eight or 12 hours, so this gives me a great opportunity to do those multiple times per day, update the information that I have at the destination partner or just even in that S3 bucket or on that SFTP server, or wherever I’m sending this data, I can update that data as you can see here multiple times per day, so that I can be more dynamic with, let’s say emails that I want to send out more than once per day, based on people qualifying for this segment. Also keep in mind that when we set it to incremental, the first file will always be a full file of profiles that qualify for the segment up until the time of activation, and then subsequent files we’ll send the deltas of the profiles that qualify for that segment. So for this example, let’s say I’m going to choose every six hours, and I’m going to run that for a few months. So let me just kind of click there, and I don’t know, I’ll do something like that, and that’ll run for a few months, and it’ll give me every six hours, and it’s going to start at 5:00 PM UTC time, great. I’ll go ahead and hit create, and then I need to do the same thing for the other one. In this case, maybe I’m just going to do one full file so I can see that data. This time is fine and I’m going to hit create. And I could go on, but let’s look at the file name for a second if I click into one of those, the default as you can see here is to add the destination, the segment ID, and then a timestamp, and that’s what’s coming up right up here. But I do have a couple other options, maybe I don’t want to add the date and time, and maybe I’d like to add the segment name. And so this will give you a little bit easier time on the other end if you want to be able to identify what data is in a certain file. Also sometimes destination partners are looking for a specific file name. And so in that case, I can choose either some custom texts or the segment name, and that will be added here so that you can look for that same file name every time. However, if you want the date and time, so that it’s not the same every time, then we can click that as well. And of course we can have all of these if we want, so you can see now you’ve got the destination, you’ve got the segment ID, you’ve got the segment name, and then you’ve also got the date and time in here and you can apply those changes. Okay? And for this other one, I’m just going to do it once, so I’m just going to leave the default, and then we can hit next. Now on this step, you will see down here, these are recommended attributes to help you get started with your selection. So as we choose the data, as we choose the attributes that are going to be sent out in this file, you’re given some recommended ones here, but you know, you don’t have to keep any of these. So first of all, let’s get rid of that message, and then let’s say, you know, we don’t care that much about segment membership status, we could remove that here. But I’ll just leave that here for now. Now we also have two checkbox fields here for each one, mandatory and deduplication key. Now, if I am going to export this data to be used, lets say for an email partner, then I definitely am going to need the email address. So there’s no real use of sending me a profile if I don’t have an email address for them, so I’m going to choose mandatory, and that’s what that means. That means if I mark this, it has to be in the profile in order for it to export. So if a profile doesn’t have the email address, in this case, this personal email address, then it will not be included in the file. Okay? So, you know, first name, last name, I’d like to have those, but I’m not going to require them in order for the profile to be exported, and same thing with membership status down here. Now, the next time over here is deduplication key. If you leave everything unchecked here, you could get duplicative profiles exported in your file. And so you probably want to select something here to say, you know, make sure that I don’t get the same profile if I have Doug Moore, that’s me. If you have Doug Moore on one, and you have Doug M, on another one, but the email address is the same or there’s another field that is the same, let’s use that field so you don’t get two profiles for me. Now, let me go ahead and add a new field, because when you’re adding these fields, I can select an identity namespace. And so if I select that, and let’s say, I do select email address here, and this is again, the identity namespace, then when I select that, you can see that it is automatically chosen as a deduplication key here, and you cannot choose any other ones. Okay? So if you’re going to choose again this identity namespace that is going to be used for the deduplication key. If that’s not what I want, I can go ahead and remove that, and I can select two others. Now, maybe I want to add, let me go in here, I’m going to add a mobile phone. And if they have a mobile phone number, I’m going to select that right there, and select. And maybe I want that to be mandatory as well, I want their phone number to be in there, and I want it to be a deduplication key. So I can select that as well for the deduplication key and deduplicate that based on that mobile phone number, or I can actually even choose a second one here, which is personal email address. Really any two, when you’re just using the fields, then you can choose up to two. And that becomes a composite key, both of them together. So again, you can add any fields, you can remove any of these ones that were there by default, you can customize this data that is coming out. You can choose whether it has to be there in order for the profile to be sent out, and you can choose up to two of these fields or one identity namespace to be used for a deduplication key for your data. Then you go up and hit next. You’re going to be presented with the review here so you can see what you’re going to be sending out. You’ll also see the marketing actions that were chosen when they set up this destination, which is that this data is going to be used for on-site advertising. Anyway, once you are good with this, then you can go ahead and click finish, and your data will start going out as scheduled. Hope this was helpful to walk through it. Good luck. -

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