Monitoring the success of segment activation

Last update: 2025-02-14
  • Created for:
  • Beginner

When sending segment profiles out to your activation partners, it is imperative to see information regarding the success of this data transfer, especially so you can fix any problems. This video shows two main ways to monitor the flow of your segments out to destinations. For more information, please visit the documentation.


Hey everybody, it’s Doug. Today, we’re going to talk about monitoring the success of your segment activation, right? So, when you are sending your segments out to your destination partners, is it working? Is it not working? What’s not working, so we can fix it, that kind of thing. So, there are really two ways that we’re going to be able to do this. First one is through a monitoring dashboard like we’re looking at here and we get there by going down on the left hand side, I’m going to scroll down a little bit to this monitoring section right here under data management and we’ll be able to get a lot of information here, really end to end from sources, through identities and profiles, to segments and destinations. So, we’re going to focus in this video on these segments and destinations and the other ones will be taken care of in a different video. Now, before we really dig into this monitoring dashboard, I do want to show the other way. So, I’m going to go to destinations and I’m going to click on that. And then, I’m going to go up to catalog. And if I scroll down here, let’s say I’m going to create a new S three destination. So, I’m going to click on this activate segments, or, you know if it was the first time it would be set up, but since it’s already set up, if I click on activate segments and I configure a new destination, with this button right up here, then you’ll see the alerts down here. So, this is the other way that we’re going to be able to monitor the success of our segment activation is really having it alert us when things happen, right? Whether that is, hey, everything’s great, so it was successful or it failed or there was a delay. Even just more informational, like it started, or this one at the bottom, which is an activation skipped rate exceeded. And we’re going to be able to see an example of that when we go back to the dashboard and what that is is that when you walk through and configure a destination, you can configure certain fields of data that are required, in order for that data to go out. So, if a certain record, a certain profile, does not have all the information that you are requiring, it’s not going to get sent out because if you’re going to send this out to email people, then you need an email address, for example. So, if it’s not there, like don’t even give that to me. So, there are too many that would be skipped because they didn’t have the right information, then let me know about that as well. So, that’s a big, long explanation, as to what this one is down here, but hopefully that helps. In any case, you can set up these alerts. Now, tied to that is how you’re going to be alerted. So, if I go up to the very top right here, we can see some notifications and announcements, but on the notification screen here, this is where you can be notified if something like that happens, okay? In addition to that, if you go to your, wait for it, preferences right here and I already have mine open over here, then you can scroll down. No, don’t scroll down yet. Go to notifications. That will actually scroll you down. Okay, thank you for that. And you can see here on these alerts down here, show alerts for high priority categories or not at all, or all categories, et cetera. So, not only notifications, but you can also be alerted and it’ll pop up. In addition to that, you can actually send emails right when something happened, you can just send it out once a day or once a week, if you don’t want to get notified all day long, and you’re sending a lot of stuff out. So, you can say no emails, or again, when it happens, or daily or weekly. So, you can have emails, you can have the notifications up on the notifications screen, you can have alerts pop up, et cetera. Okay, so that’s one way to, kind of, you know, keep abreast of what’s happening, you know, with these different segments going out to your destination partners. Okay, I’m going to go back and we’re going to go back to the monitoring, click on that. Oh, and actually, let me go back to destinations for a second, because if you want to change the alerts that you’re getting on an existing destination on an existing instance of a destination, you can simply go to browse and then you can click on the three dots and then subscribe to alerts right here, and it’ll give you those same ones, so you can change which ones you’re actually receiving on any given destination instance, right? So, there it is for ones that already exist. Okay, sorry. I’m going to go back to monitoring now. And again, we’re going to focus on segments and destinations, of course. So, you can see it either by destination or by segment. So, I’m going to click segments here, and I’ve just got a couple of segments here in my demo data. So, I’ve created these two that are for San Jose members and San Francisco members. And it is so that I can send, you know, specific emails and messages, maybe coupons or other things like that that are specific to San Jose or San Francisco, and so, I’ve got these different segments picked out where you know, the city equals San Jose or San Francisco. Okay, so anyway, you want to click on one of these here to be able to drill down and see what’s happening, 'cause we can see right now that there is one happy and one sad. And so, let’s look at the happy, good news first, okay. So, if you click on the actual name of the segment here, it’s just going to take you over to the segment. That’s not what we want right now. I want to actually filter by that segment in this dashboard. So, I’m going to click on this one, and that will open it up a little bit, so you can see San Jose members right there. You can see for the last 24 hours, here’s some stuff that’s happening. In fact, let’s kick that up, so I can see a little bit more to the last seven days, apply that, and now, I can see the last evaluation and the last activation jobs when they happened. I can see the number of profiles here that are up over, you know, 150, so 163 I can see down there. And then, if I scroll down I can see those jobs that have happened in the last seven days. So, you’ll see the evaluations, and then you’ll see the activation. So, for example, this segment evaluated, at this time, you know, it tells how long it took. There were 163 profiles, and then it activated to the San Jose members destination, and, again, all 163 went out and it was good. So, we’re good. Everybody’s happy, right? Good. Now, to go back, I’m just going to clear all here, which is just clearing that segment filter. And now, we’ll take the sad path, right? Which is the failed version, but we want to see what’s going on, right? So, let me go ahead and filter by San Francisco members. And as we scroll down here, we can see that our evaluations are successful, but that our activations are not being successful, right? They are not happening. So, we really want to see why. So, in the case of this latest one here, it’s trying to go out to this destination here, San Francisco members, destination two. And if I click again on the filter that will break it down into, you know, what’s going on with this flow. And there are a couple things here to learn, and that is first of all, why did it fail? So, you’ve got an error code and that doesn’t help us too much, but if you look over in the description, it says that this bucket SF members does not exist. Well, this is an S three location, and so, clearly, I have not set this up correctly. It’s not going to the right bucket. Maybe it’s named differently, et cetera. So, I need to go back and look at my configuration for this destination, right? This one, right up here, to see, you know, does this bucket really exist? Do I need to fix that? Maybe I misspelled it, something like that. So, you’re going to want to go back and take a look at that. Now, this one is actually double trouble, and that is, well, the second one isn’t as bad. It’s not really a failure. It’s just telling you that identities were excluded here, and so, you can see also, you know, if I click on identities excluded down here. it’ll tell you the same thing. It’ll tell you that 95 of them were excluded. And it tells you, again, tells you up there as well, but why? And it says records didn’t match the attribute filter. And I mentioned before, right? When we were looking up the different alerts that one of 'em was, you know, that the skipped records were exceeded. Well, when you are setting up the attributes that are required, this filter that is requiring certain attributes there were 95 of them that did not have the required attributes. And so, that’s what that’s telling you. So, you know, it’s not a failure. It’s actually just telling you that, but it is, I guess, a failure in that, you know, if you wanted all of them to go out, they’re not all going out. Anyway, so hopefully this gives you a good idea how to monitor in two different ways, both on this dashboard, and then also by setting up alerts, so that you can see what is going on and fix those things, so that more of your segment profiles can actually go out to the destinations. Have a great day. -

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