
Ingest data using the Adobe Audience Manager data connector

Last update: 2025-02-14
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In this integration video, learn how to use the Audience Manager data connector to bring traits and segments from AAM into the Platform and combine them with other rich data. For more information, please see the Audience Manager source connector documentation.


Hey everybody, this is Doug. In this video I want to walk through the configuration of the Audience Manager Data Connector in Real-time Customer Data Platform. The data connector is used to bring traits and segments from Audience Manager over into the platform, so that they can be added to the real-time customer profile, and show up in the segment builder, so that we can build additional segments from them, adding other data to them, et cetera, and then sending them out to destinations. Now, in other videos we’ll talk a little bit more about the use cases, the value of using Real Time CDP, and the architecture of how it all fits together. But in this video, I wanted to really kind of go through the configuration, and walk you through the steps that you need to do. Now, before we start going through the steps here, in Real-time CDP in the platform, I’m going to jump back over here to Audience Manager, and show you here some segments and traits. And you’ll see here that I’m in the segments portion of Audience Manager, and I’m in this Content Affinity Folder. And I have a few segments here, Beginner Blog Viewers, Went to a Men’s Wear Page, Went to Women’s Wear Page. And those are the segments, and of course segments are built from traits. And if we look at our traits, you’ll see that an example trait here is in this content section we have pages, and one is Accessed the ‘Beginner’ blog, or if we go to the sections here, you’ll see the traits that we use, Men’s Wear Section, Women’s Wear Section, you know, to build those segments that I have over here. Okay, just kind of wanted to use that as a frame of reference. Now, if I go back to the platform the first thing that you would do is click configure on the Audience Manager Connector here. Now I’ve already done that once. And so, mine says Add Data which is kind of like, you know, edit. But you can see these other ones that are configure, 'cause they have not been configured at all yet. So, the first time you’ll click configure, and then any time after that that you want to change anything, you will click Add Data, and I’m going to go ahead and click into that. Now this brings us into the connector details so that we can make some selections. Now, first of all, you have traits and segments up here. And if I decide to bring over all traits and all segments, I can just click those boxes, and there’s really no other decisions to make in this screen. However, I can decide to choose which segments I bring over. Now, traits are all or nothing. So, you want, “I’m going to bring traits”, or “I don’t need my traits”, because you know, I have the segments. So, if you don’t need to bring the traits over because you have everything in segments that you want then you can leave that out. I’m going to leave mine selected. And then again, as for segments, you can select all segments and there’s no more decisions to make. Or if you de-select that, then you can choose which segments you to bring over. And you can see over here on the right that I have selected a couple of segments that we looked at a second ago in Audience Manager. And I went to the same area in the segment taxonomy, I went to content affinity, and selected those two segments. Once you have selected the items that you want, you go over and click next and then you’ll be able to review those and finish.

And again, that’s where you select which traits and segments, which data you want to come over into platform. Now, the place where that lands in the platform is in our datasets area. So if I go down here to data sets, I can click on that and I’ll be presented with all of my data sets not only the ones that were enabled through the Audience Manager connector, but any others that I have created. And you’ll see down here below, I have some other data sets that I have created that had nothing to do with the Audience Manager Connector but up here at the top, because it’s not alphabetical the Audience Manager ones kind of come up here. And so, you have a number of data sets that are created automatically by that Audience Manager Connector. Now our trait and segment data comes into the platform basically as two kinds of data, real-time data and profile data. And you could see them listed here, there’s a bunch of them here that start with AAM. There’re some ones above that. As you can see here, segment folder, datasets, AAM traits, et cetera, do not delete these. You can see our warning over here. You can just let those be. Now with all of these different datasets, there’s a very important step that you’re going to need to do. In order for this real time data, or the profile data to get into the profile service in platform and therefore to go into the segment builder as well, and I might add, as well as to show up in the destinations, to send them out, you have to check a box to make them available to the profile service. So, I have enabled a couple of them already. So you can see here if I have AAM real time and click into that, well, you can see some data has come through in different batches, et cetera, real-time batches. And if I scroll down kind of, you know in onesies and twosies here, this is a small dataset, so your records will be larger than that, I’m sure. But you can see over here on the right I have enabled profile for this dataset. And if I go back to data sets, you’re going to want to do that for each of these datasets. And so, I have not done that yet just to show you that, for example, this AAM devices data I’ll click on that one. And if I go over here you can see this has not yet been enabled for profile. So definitely enable that. Are you sure you want to do it? Yes. And now it’s enabled. If I go back to my datasets, again, I recommend enabling profile for all of your data sets here. I mean technically, the documentation will tell you exactly what’s in each of these data sets, but at the end of the day, you have already selected traits and segments that you want to bring over from Audience Manager to the platform. And so in order to get all that data into your real-time data, as well as into the profile service, for maximum awesomeness in the segment builder and such you want to enable each of these for profile, okay. I’m sure that’s enough said about that. Now, once you do that, and they move into the profile, then I can go over to my segments, and you can go to profiles, and you can look at some of the profiles as well. But the main thing is we want them to land in the segment builder.

As I click into the segment builder, you’ll see the segments you’ve already created. I have three in here that I created from other data, but in order to use my Audience Manager data I can simply create a segment, and then go over here to audiences, and now we’ll have these two folders, that is if I included traits, and if I included the segments, you’ll have these two folders. Now, if I go into AAM Trait and Audience Manager Traits and I can go into these different areas, for example Luma, and Content, and Pages, and you can see the same information there, right? Accessed the ‘Beginner’ blog, or if I go back, and I go to Sections and it has Women’s Wear Section, et cetera. So anyway, the same data there. And if I go back to my audiences, and go into segments, Audience Manager Segments, and then to the Content Affinity segments, then I have those two segments there, that I enabled to come across. And then I can use those in a segment, and I can say, “Yeah, bring that in here”. And then I can add other attributes to it, maybe, you know, profile attributes, other information, including PII information, of course, 'cause this is the Real-Time CDP, and it allows the usage of PII. So, I can bring in other kinds of information to add to my segment and then save that. And then I can add that to destinations to go out. Anyway, I hope that helps to walk through, you enable it, you configure it, you tell it which ones you want. Make sure that you do enable the profile in the data sets, and then you will have this data in your segment builder, to build these powerful and complex segments of your customers. Good luck. -

As you reconfigure your processes and personnel to move from Adobe Audience Manager to Real-Time Customer Data Platform (Real-Time CDP), you can use the Audience Manager data connector to bring traits and segments from AAM into the Platform, combine them with other rich data (including PII), and send them out to destination partners. This video walks you through the configuration of the AAM data connector for Real-Time CDP.


In the video above, it shows an option of choosing ALL segments and/or traits. We do not recommend using this option unless you have a limited number of segments with an understood number of unique visitors in those segments. Bringing over large numbers of visitor profiles in “all segments” or “all traits” can balloon the profile service in Real-Time CDP, which can have a huge effect on pricing of the application (since number of profiles affect your cost of the application). It is recommended, therefore, that instead of choosing “all”, you choose specific segments to bring over to Real-Time CDP.

Please watch the April 28, 2022 episode of Experience League LIVE where this is discussed in detail.

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