Integrate with Real-Time Customer Data Platform

Last update: 2023-06-21

Built on Adobe Experience Platform, Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RTCDP) helps companies bring together known and anonymous data from multiple enterprise sources. RTCDP lets you create customer profiles that can be used to provide personalized customer experiences across all channels and devices in real time.

For more information about RTCDP, see Real-Time Customer Data Platform overview.

Key features

Key features include:

  • Direct Target integration with Real-Time CDP/Adobe Experience Platform on the Edge (removing dependency on Audience Core services - AAM)
  • Target Edge Destinations Card with governance and policy enforcement
  • Real-time CDP Segments and Shared Profile Attributes

Implementation scenarios

The following sections show which type of personalization use case (next-session or same-page) is available when using different implementation methods:

at.js implementation

Solutions Use Case Enabled
  • Adobe Audience Manager (AAM) and Target
  • RTCDP (Premium or Ultimate) and Target
  • RTCDP (any SKU), AAM, and Target
Next-session personalization

Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK or Experience Platform Server-Side API implementation

Solutions Use Case Enabled
  • RTCDP (any SKU) and Target
  • Next-session personalization
  • Same-page personalization via Edge
  • Governance enforced when sharing segments
  • RTCDP (any SKU), AAM, and Target
  • Next-session personalization
    • AAM segments
    • 3rd-party segments via AAM
  • Same-page personalization via Edge
    • RTCDP segments
    • Governance enforced when sharing segments

Mix of at.js and Platform Web SDK implementation

Solutions Use Case Enabled
  • RTCDP (any SKU) and Target
  • Next-session personalization
    • For all pages with at.js
  • Same-page personalization
    • For all pages with Platform Web SDK
  • RTCDP (any SKU), AAM, and Target
  • Next-session personalization
    • For all pages with at.js
    • AAM segments
    • 3rd-party segments via AAM

Segment evaluation time

The following table shows the segment evaluation time for events coming from different implementation scenarios:

Scenario Edge segment (millisecond evaluation) Streaming segment (minute evaluation) Batch segment evaluation
Events/data from Adobe Experience Platform SDKs Yes Yes N/A
Events from at.js No Yes N/A
Events from Target Mobile SDKs No Yes N/A
Events from batch upload No No Yes
Events from offline data (stream) No Yes Yes

Use audiences from Adobe Experience Platform

Using audiences created in Adobe Experience Platform provide richer customer data that leads to more impactful personalization. The Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RTCDP), built on Adobe Experience Platform, helps companies bring together known and anonymous data from multiple enterprise sources. This process lets you create customer profiles that can be used to provide personalized customer experiences across all channels and devices in real time.

By connecting Target to the Real-Time Customer Data Platform, customers can enrich their web personalization. This integration lets you unlock new segments that might have been previously inaccessible to Target to enable real-time millisecond personalization on the first page of a customer’s web visit. Using audiences and profile attributes created in Adobe Experience Platform lets you expand the available data points for richer personalization.

This integration unlocks key use cases with Real-Time CDP:

  • Same-page / Next Hit personalization
  • First-time / Unknown users personalization

Share Real-Time CDP Profile Attributes with Target

Real-Time CDP Profile Attributes can be shared with Target for use in HTML offers and JSON offers.

Real-Time CDP Profile Attributes feature limitations and considerations

Consider the following:

  • Attributes within a given offer must be from the same Experience Platform sandbox. (In other words, an offer cannot contain attributes from different Experience Platform sandboxes.)
  • Attributes within a given offer can come from different sources; namely, the Target profile and the Experience Platform profile. (In other words, you can combine attributes whether they come from Target or from the Experience Platform profile.)
  • When defining an offer, you can assign default values for Real-Time CDP Profile Attributes, in case the attribute does not have an explicit value. For example, if a consent or governance policy blocks the attribute being used in the personalization service, the default value can be used instead.

JSON sample use case

As an online marketer, you want the AEP/Unified Profile to share attribute values with Target to provide real-time personalization. By using Real-Time CDP Profile Attributes, you can display the value of the Experience Platform attribute in a Target offer using token replace. For example, you can personalize according to a customer’s favorite color using ${aep.profile.favoriteColor}, or their loyalty tier and loyalty point value using the tokens ${aep.loyalty.tier} and ${aep.loyalty.points}.

To create a JSON offer to share AEP/Unified Profile attributes with Target:

  1. While creating a JSON offer, from the Select a source list, select Adobe Experience Platform.
  2. From the Select a profile sandbox name list, select the desired sandbox.
  3. From the Select a profile attribute list, select the desired attributes.
  4. (Optional) From the Insert a default value list, select the desired values.
  5. Click Add.

The following illustration shows that two profile attributes: loyalty.tier and loyalty.points have been added to the JSON offer.

offer-json-aep-shared-attribute image

For more information, see the following topics:

Videos and blog posts

The following videos and blog post provide more information about enhanced personalization with Target and RTCDP:

Video: Next-hit personalization with Real-Time CDP and Adobe Target

Learn how to personalize on the next hit with Real-Time Customer Data Platform and Adobe Target. The Adobe Target destination in Real-Time CDP allows you to use Experience Platform segments in Adobe Target for same page-personalization and next-page personalization with governance and privacy support.

For more information, see Next-hit personalization with Real-Time CDP and Adobe Target in the Platform Tutorials guide.

Video: Configure the Adobe Target destination in Real-Time Customer Data Platform

Learn how to configure the Adobe Target destination in Real-Time Customer Data Platform to start sending segments and profile attributes from Real-Time CDP to Target.

Video: Activate segments and profile attributes

Learn how to activate segments and profile attributes from Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform to Adobe Target to display real-time personalized content in your websites, mobile apps, and other digital properties.

Video: Use Real-Time CDP segments in Target

Learn how to use Real-Time Customer Data Platform segments in Adobe Target to deliver personalized experiences on your website and mobile apps.

Video: Use Real-Time CDP profile attributes in Adobe Target

Learn how to use Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform profile attributes in Adobe Target to deliver personalized experiences on your website and mobile apps.

Adobe Target blog and video: Same-page enhanced personalization

Adobe announces Same-Page Enhanced Personalization with Adobe Target and Real-time Customer Data Platform

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